1) Type up your feedback in full (you don't need to write the mark and grade if you want to keep this confidential).

WWW- this is a good lesson in how to take on the first two questions in paper 1. you've clearly got some knowledge of terminology and theory so now you just need to add extra exam technique.

EBI- too many points lack clarity or question focus. you can revise/learn social and cultural contexts will also help you can see the mark scheme  to learn more on this

2) Read the mark scheme for this assessment carefully. Write down the number of marks you achieved for the two questions: _/8; _/12. If you didn't achieve full marks in a question, write a bullet point on what you may have missed.

Honestly,after looking back on the test i see everywhere i went wrong i was lacking clarity and the points i made were not being backed up enough. it was the case where i knew what i was writing but didn't know how to carry out the explanation which made my  answers make no sense whatsoever.

3) For Question 2 on the social and cultural contexts of gender representations, identify three potential points in the mark scheme that you didn't include in your answer.

A key point i don't know how i missed on was the bottle designs for both the male and female audience and how they portrayed their utility and target audience for instance how the female bottle was in the shape o a high heel in order to signify 

4) Having read the whole mark scheme, pick out one media theory that you didn't include in this assessment and summarise it briefly here so you can use it confidently in future.

Im not sure how but i didn't use butlers theory that gender is a performance it could have brought me further than what i reached and i definitely need too look over more of his theorists

5) Based on your experience in this assessment, identify three aspects of Media (e.g. skills/particular theories/examples) that you need to work on for your next assessment

this first one isnt media related but i do need to work on my timing in all my tests, i never manage to fully answer all my questions

memorise the key theorists that can be applicable to many questions instead of focusing on theorists that can only be applied to certain questions

focus on my exam writing techniques
