Blog feedback

WWW: There are some positives here (the beginning of your ‘Reading an image’ work) but I think the overall picture is a useful lesson in organisation and workload. There is a lot of work to do at A Level and you need to commit five hours per week to each subject/option block. My feeling is that currently you’re not doing this and therefore it is a very valuable lesson early on in the course. In class you’ve been brilliant so it’s just a case of getting the blog side sorted.

EBI: Very simple here – you need to post the missing and unfinished work. There is no media consumption audit, your Semiotics work is missing two of the questions and for Reading an image you don’t analyse your own choice of advert (which was the second part of the task). You will need both of these adverts analysed in order to fully complete ‘Reception theory’ which is due very soon. It’s vital that you use this feedback to get organised, get everything up to date and then keep on top of the workload from now on.

LR: Complete any missing or unfinished work.

Then, create a blogpost on your Media 1 Exam blog called ‘Blog feedback and learner response’, copy this feedback in and then complete the following learner response:

Reflect on your work in A Level Media so far. What is your strongest piece of work? What is your weakest? What specific skills or knowledge do you need to develop over the rest of the course?
